Vertical Flow Project

A social sensing project for the observation of population flow in a vertical community

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Vertical cities
SUTD data collection app
SUTD Vertical Cities – Data Collection app


This is a data collection app designed to collect sensor data from invited volunteers for academic research. The app collects barometer and accelerometer sensor data. It also scans for Bluetooth signals emitted by beacons (manufactured by Kontakt), stores them in internal storage, and uploads the data to the cloud frequently when connected to Wi-Fi. The app is designed to collect continuous long term sensor data to be used to understand mobility, co-presence, and space use of a specific population under the research study.

Privacy statement

All private information and data collected using this app will be kept anonymous, and no identifiable information is collected. This application is only intended for the volunteer population recruited by Advanced Architecture Lab (AAL) of Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore. The team behind the data collection has earned the certification by Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) for the program Social & Behavioural Research to understand research ethics. The project ‘Vertical Cities: Complex Emergent Patterns of Movement and Space Use in High‐Density Urban Contexts’ is authorized and governed by the privacy and ethics policy of SUTD’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) under the application number - IRB‐20‐00353.

SUTD Vertical Cities – Data Collection is a data collection app designed to collect sensor data from invited volunteers for academic research. The app collects barometer and accelerometer sensor data. It also scans for Bluetooth signals emitted by beacons (manufactured by Kontakt), stores them in internal storage, and uploads the data to the cloud frequently when connected to Wi-Fi.

Personal and Sensitive Information:

Consent: By giving consent to the in-app disclosure when entering the app, you agree to allow the app permission displayed to be used for an uninterrupted data collection process as long as the app is installed in the mobile.


What kind of data is collected?

How are these sensor data used?

Why are the sensor data collected?

The app is designed to collect continuous long term sensor data to be used to understand mobility, co-presence, and space use of a specific population under the research study. The insights derived from these data are used to improve urban planning and design.


Any privacy issues?

Where is the data stored?

The collected sensor data is stored in the internal storage temporarily and it is uploaded to the cloud server maintained by AAL, SUTD when connected to Wi-Fi.

Who is handling the data?

The team behind the work are qualified and educated under the CITI Programme Social & Behavioural Research (Team member Certification: to handle the sensitive nature of the data. The project ‘Vertical Cities: Complex Emergent Patterns of Movement and Space Use in High‐Density Urban Contexts’ is authorized and governed by the privacy and ethics policy of SUTD’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) under the application number - IRB‐20‐00353.


Team behind the app:

SUTD Vertical Cities project is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between academic and government agencies looking to improve the design of future cities. The app is developed by Techfidelite Solutions Pvt. Ltd under contract from Advanced Architecture Lab (AAL) in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore. This project is funded under the “Complexity Science for Urban Solutions Pilot Funding Programme”, funded by the Ministry of National Development (MND) Singapore Research Funds and in collaboration with MND Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Housing Development Board (HDB) of Singapore.


The controller for your personal information and data is SUTD. We can be contacted at or