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Benny Chin 陳威全

a Geographer, Cartographer, & GIScientist

Identifying urban functional zones by analysing the spatial distribution of amenities

Chin, Wei Chien Benny and Fu, Yuming and Lim, Kwan Hui and Schroepfer, Thomas and Cheah, Lynette  (2024)


Chin, Wei Chien Benny and Fu, Yuming and Lim, Kwan Hui and Schroepfer, Thomas and Cheah, Lynette (2024). Identifying urban functional zones by analysing the spatial distribution of amenities, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 1: 1.


Comprehending urban form and function is crucial for effective urban planning and redevelopment. However, delineating urban functional zones and understanding the diverse activities within a city poses challenges. To address this, our study proposes a comprehensive analysis framework utilising point-of-interest (POI) data to identify and characterise urban functional zones and associated amenities. Leveraging geocoded user-generated content enables an effective capture of the spatial structure of human activities. We applied our framework in case studies in two Singapore locations, demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying urban functional zone shapes and examining associated amenities. The findings reveal a spatial configuration of amenities across the urban area, highlighting a diversity often differing from planned land-uses. This underscores the complex and non-uniform nature of the urban living experience, as observed variations in mixed uses challenge the homogeneity of intended land-use types. Our study and analysis framework provide a foundation for further investigations, including exploring travel behaviour patterns and assessing the vibrancy and vitality of urban areas.

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